Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day Sleep Pillow

On the ITP floor, students sometimes take a nap. When they sleep, they ask other people to wake them up later like 1o minutes or 30 minutes. But sometimes it makes people to uncomfortable because asking a favor or waking up friends on time is not easy and it's such a hassle.
The Day Sleep Pillow can make ITP students more comfortable to sleep "on the floor". When they take a nap if they push the button on the pillow once, 10 minutes later the song from mp3 player will be played to wake them up. If the button is pushed twice, 20 minutes later it will be played. So, depending on the number of times the button is pushed, time will be set up to play the song. Also, user can change the song to whatever they want to listen to throughUSB port of the mp3 player.

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