Wednesday, December 19, 2007

final project - The Mediatative Mind

project homepage

xbee library(processing files)
one sensor
two sensor

AT command for the Meditative Mind

ATMY2-> Tea set
ATMY3 -> Book
ATMY1-> big screen
ATMY4-> LED panel

ATDLFFFF-> for broadcasting to everyone


analogue output sender 1
+++ --> Enter into Command mode
ATID9201 --> PAN ID
ATMY2 --> my address 2
ATDL1 --> destination address 1 (broadcast to Xbee below)
ATD02 --> input 0 in analog mode
ATD12 --> input 1 in analog mode
ATD22 --> input 2 in analog mode
ATD32 --> input 3 in analog mode
ATIR64 --> sample rate 100 milliseconds (hex 64)
ATIT1 --> transmitting just 1 sample!
ATWR --> write settings to firmware

digital output sender 2
+++ --> Enter into Command mode
ATID9201 --> PAN ID
ATMY3 --> my address 3
ATDL1 --> destination address 1 (broadcast to Xbee below)
ATD03 --> input 0 in digital mode
ATD13 --> input 1 in digital mode
ATD23 --> input 2 in digital mode
ATD33 --> input 3 in digital mode
ATIR64 --> sample rate 100 milliseconds (hex 64)
ATIT1 --> transmitting just 1 sample!
ATWR --> write settings to firmware

input XBee radio connected to computer
+++ --> Enter into Command mode
ATID9201 --> PAN ID
ATMY1 --> my address 1
ATDL0 --> destination address 0 (we don't have a destination for now)
ATDH0 --> destination address 0

mid-term music shirts -push and play!

push and play! documentation page

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11072007 class


Router 1
Router 2
--> set the CH,channel
--> set the PAN ID

manual talble6-03. Networking Commands
Bit(Channel) 0(0x0B) -> ATCH B
0000 0000 0000 0001

pick a channel same as with PAN ID

send command("NI", "**_COORDINATOR"); -> name changed

send command("D1", byte(0x3)); -> digital pin setup

API - Application Programming Interface


int lengthMSB =; // high byte for length of packet
int lengthLSB =; // low byte for length of packet

int lengthTotal = (lengthMSB <<8) + lengthLSB; // bit shift and add for total

-> simple check to detect errors
0xFF = 255

API Identifier 0x8A

ATSP : sleep period
ATST : time before sleep
ex) ATSM5, SP64, ST 14---> will wake up pin 9 high, and also every 1 sec.(1000ms) for 20ms

with micro controller -> set the one pin to detect signal to wake up xbee
without the micro controller -> set the sleep time to give interval period continuously to send radio signal

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sleeping the XBee

1: pin hibernate, <10uA, 13.2 ms wakeup, users pin 9
2: pin foze, <50uA, 2ms wakeup
4: cyclic sleep, also < 50uA, 2ms wakeup, module must be idle
5: cyclic sleep with pin wakeup

ATSP:Sleep period(*10ms)
ATST:Time before Sleep(*1ms)

Advanced AT Commands

ATWR : Write to firmware
ATRE : Factory settings REset
ATVR : Version
ATNI : Node Identifier
ATND : Node Discover
ATDN : Destination Node selection
ATDB : Signal strength in DB (RSSI)
ATGT : Guard Time
ATCT : Command mode Timeout
ATCH : set and read CHannel
ATBD : set and read BaUd rate
ATAP : set API mode

midterm_music buttons(T-shirts?)

idea diagram

1st prototype


10242007 class

int 16 bits

unsigned int myVar;

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

mid-term music shirts

music shirts panID 1-A

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Glow the LED - It works!

select PAN ID ---->9201


take out the Arduino chip from the breadboard

XBee TX -> Arduion RX

XBee RX -> Arduion TX

run terminal file (XBee_Terminal.pde)

radio 1, 1234, 5678, 0,9201

radio 2, 5678, 1234, 0, 9201

** don't forget to write on Xbee. ATWR

unplug usb cable

insert Arduino chip on the board

disconnect the TX, RX wire of XBee

plug usb cable to the computer

upload Arduino file (XBee_Analog_Duplex_Sender.pde) on lastest verion of Arduino program

(there was an error to get results with previous version)

**For running on new Arduino board, you need to select microcontroller to atmega 168

Connect wires

XBee TX -> Arduion TX

XBee RX -> Arduion RX

I set up two XBees on the breadboards and connect to 12V adapter with one and connect to the computer with the other one. The only the breadboard connected the computer was work well. The light was not changed on the other connected 12V.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

ZigBee Setup

Finally I got signal from ZigBee!

more ZigBee setup pics on Flikr

Saturday, September 15, 2007

set up ZigBee

when you done building circuit,
took out arduino chip from arduino board

=> change "portnum = Serial.list()[2];" to "portnum = Serial.list()[0];"

==>error message
Preferences.getBoolean("preproc.web_colors")&& w.getText().length()==6

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day Sleep Pillow

On the ITP floor, students sometimes take a nap. When they sleep, they ask other people to wake them up later like 1o minutes or 30 minutes. But sometimes it makes people to uncomfortable because asking a favor or waking up friends on time is not easy and it's such a hassle.
The Day Sleep Pillow can make ITP students more comfortable to sleep "on the floor". When they take a nap if they push the button on the pillow once, 10 minutes later the song from mp3 player will be played to wake them up. If the button is pushed twice, 20 minutes later it will be played. So, depending on the number of times the button is pushed, time will be set up to play the song. Also, user can change the song to whatever they want to listen to throughUSB port of the mp3 player.

Friday, September 7, 2007

ordering ZigBee

XBee OEM Module
Digi-Key Part Number XB24-AWI-001-ND

XBee Pro OEM Module
Digi-Key Part Number XBP24-AWI-001-ND

Collaborative Mesh Networking: Preorder

XBee Radios
XBee OEM Module: from Digi-Key, from GridConnect
XBee Pro OEM Module: from Digi-Key, from GridConnecct
Typically you will want the "wire" or "whip" antenna type for the greatest range. The "chip" antenna lies flush to the radio but at the price of reduced performance. It may be appropriate for very small devices or wearables.

Breakout Boards
Breakout boards: Available from Rob for $3 each, or now from Spark Fun.
2mm female headers: Available from Spark Fun or sample from Samtec
0.1 inch male headers: Typically a shop supply but also available from Spark Fun or sample from Samtec

XBee Product Manual

Other Items
Serial to USB connectors: from Spark Fun, from Arduino
A to Mini B USB cables: from BuyExtra

ordering samples
Samtec will sample small quantities of parts (usually no more than 10 of each. However their web site is confounding. If you want to find a part number, request or download a catalog first. When you are ready to order, use the Samtec Sample Form Put in the Item number and Quantity only. You don't need the pull-down menus or Build a Part Number button at all. Here's some part numbers you may want:
Strips of 32 female headers with standard 100 mil breadboard spacing: SSA-132-S-T
Strips of 32 male headers with standard 100 mil breadboard spacing: TSW-132-07-G-S
Strips of 10 2mm female headers for XBee radios: MMS-110-01-L-SV
Sockets for 28-pin Arduino chips (low insertion force): ICA-328-ZSGG
Samtec Sudden Service - Sample Form

Customer Ordering Information
Requested By First: Ji Sun
Requested By Last: Lee

Ordering Information
Item #1: MMS-110-01-L-SV
QTY: 20

Item #2: ICA-328-ZSGG
QTY: 20

Item #3: TSW-132-07-G-S
QTY: 20

Item #4: SSA-132-S-T
QTY: 20

Shipping Information
Carrier: UPS
Service Level: Next Day Air Saver
Freight Description: Samtec Pays Freight