Saturday, September 22, 2007

Glow the LED - It works!

select PAN ID ---->9201


take out the Arduino chip from the breadboard

XBee TX -> Arduion RX

XBee RX -> Arduion TX

run terminal file (XBee_Terminal.pde)

radio 1, 1234, 5678, 0,9201

radio 2, 5678, 1234, 0, 9201

** don't forget to write on Xbee. ATWR

unplug usb cable

insert Arduino chip on the board

disconnect the TX, RX wire of XBee

plug usb cable to the computer

upload Arduino file (XBee_Analog_Duplex_Sender.pde) on lastest verion of Arduino program

(there was an error to get results with previous version)

**For running on new Arduino board, you need to select microcontroller to atmega 168

Connect wires

XBee TX -> Arduion TX

XBee RX -> Arduion RX

I set up two XBees on the breadboards and connect to 12V adapter with one and connect to the computer with the other one. The only the breadboard connected the computer was work well. The light was not changed on the other connected 12V.

1 comment:

Flora said...

when I write a new value for atmy... it's not working.. i get an error